Sustainable Development:
A development plan that please three important sectors of human needs: the Economical ,the Ecological and the Social aspects.
How Are The Industries In Question Creating A Sustainable Development:
Economically, It is providing us with a prosperous economy thus strengthening social bonds thus partial satisfying the economical and partly contributing to strengthening a social "Utopia".
How Are The Industries In Question NOT Creating A Sustainable Development:
As you might know, fracking and exploitation of these resources is an environmental threat and when used, an absolute disaster! The prices for oil and gas can increase and decrease, which raises social tensions. Certain developing or unstable countries are being exploited of their resources thus inducing political tensions.
Are we to support the industry. I would strongly advise against it but with the twenty first century having such a necessity for such, I cannot see how I could possibly stop anybody from driving or turning on the stove (if of course electrical sources are used for both).